What is Health and Safety | sp safety services consultancy in health & safety | www.metakey.co.uk

What is Health and Safety

What is|Health&Safety|www.spsafetyservices.co.uk

What is manual handling?

Manual handling of loads by human effort using bodily force. Manual handling includes both transporting a load and supporting a load in a static posture. The load may be moved or supported by the hands or any other part of the body. Also including lifting, lowering, pulling, pushing, catching, throwing. The first rule of manual handling is to avoid the task if reasonably practicable by the introduction of automation, mechanisation and manual handling aids.


What is a risk assessment?

A risk assessment is the process of identifying potential health and safety risks and hazards and how serious they are. You need to consider anything which might harm or injure: for example, where people might trip, fall, or collide; electrical installations and machinery; hazardous substances; or other particular hazards of your business.

You must also take into account potential longer term risks to employees health: for example, causes of physical or mental stress; poorly designed workstations; and manual handling of objects. You are legally required to carry out a risk assessment and take steps to control any risks you identify. You should review the assessment periodically (eg annually) or whenever circumstances change (eg if you introduce new equipment) or if you have reason to believe the assessment is no longer valid.


Do I have to provide my employees with health and safety training?

You must provide appropriate information, instruction and training. You should include health and safety in inductions for new employees (or employees moving to a different role), particularly if they will be placed in hazardous situations.

Will having a health and safety policy, carrying out risk assessments and so on be enough to protect me from prosecution and civil claims?

Not necessarily - it is the implementation of the policy that counts. You must do more than just pay lip service to health and safety. For example, if you see an employee failing to comply with safety requirements, the employee should be reprimanded and warned that repeated failure will lead to disciplinary action.


What is a Health and Safety Policy?

A Health and Safety policy sets out your general approach, objectives and the arrangements you have put in place for managing Health and Safety in your business. A good Health and Safety Policy should describe who does what, when and how. If you have more than five or more employees, you must write your policy down.


What is a Fire Risk Assessment?

A fire risk assessment requires business owners to look at what could cause a fire in their workplace or property and then implement controls to stop anyone being hurt or anything being damaged. They must be periodically reviewed. These can be difficult to complete and you may need help and advice to ensure they are completed correctly. SP Safety Services Ltd would be happy to help.


What is RIDDOR?

RIDDOR stands for the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurences Regulations and requires us to report various accidents and incidents including:

·         a fatality.

·         injuries resulting in a person being absent from work for 7 days or more.

·         a major injury such as a fracture to any bone apart from fingers and toes.

·         a member of the public being taken to hospital.

·         electric shock resulting in loss of consciousness.

·         the partial or total collapse of fixed scaffold.

·         leptospirosis

The above are only an example of accidents and incidents which are required to be reported under RIDDOR. If you are unsure or require further information please contact SP Safety Services Ltd.

 If you require further information or can't find what you are looking for on our site then please get in touch via the contact page.

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